Monday, October 28, 2013

Here's A New Social Media Platform You Might Like!

Currently No Longer Active Member. Site appears to no longer exist. It was a good concept but major changes midway and a complicated system made it hard to work with. Key concepts to take away are to establish trusted branding and focus on sharing content first. Let the message speak for itself. Sales happens when people see value in something.

No Luck Promoting Your Media Content?

Do you have YouTube video that you want to promote, but prefer something other than the YouTube interface? There's a newly remodeled social media platform that's suited for the purpose of social media content sharing. Members are encouraged to share in ways not available in other social platforms. Can your social platform easily share to other platforms? How easy is it too add comments and relevant links to other content you want to share? In some cases, especially if you are new, you'll have to buy advertising to get views.

Introducing "Rebranding"

One important key business strategy is called "rebranding". That is effectively taking content and putting into the context of something you are trying to promote. Effectively, "rebranding" is putting a frame around your creative work or someone else's creative work that they have already shared via social media. (How many of you used a Grumpy Cat photo to get likes and shares on your fan page?)

Introducing "Smartrebrander"

There is a social media platform that you should consider joining if you seriously want a chance to grow your YouTube account and have not found any success with other methods. This social media platform is called "Smartrebrander". It's a community that supports sharing of social media content with links for the purpose of building fan pages, blogs, media content pages and business front-ends. As you may already know, the first step of marketing is to share something, NOT sell something. You want to build a relationship with your potential customers and subscribers first. With social media you use shares of videos, photos and publications to establish who you are as a business owner and what types of customers you want to attract. You want your members to like you first. Build a "niche" of followers, then you can present them with your recommended products and services.

Why Join Smartrebrander?

One of the hardest things to get are shares, especially if you produce a video with common keywords, like my train video. Don't you agree? There are lots of train videos on YouTube (do a search). Smartrebrander lets you take something you've created and puts it in front of members who would LOVE to share your video. All you have to do is fill out a form that includes a blog form to add your video links to the Smartrebrander share library that members have access to. (You can't put links in a YouTube "About" caption, but you can with Smartrebrander. The best I could do was put the name of this blog under the headline of this article inside the YouTube About box.)

How Is This Same And Different From Other Social Media Platforms?

Other social media platforms do the same thing. You probably just shared someone else's creative content today. However, you don't have immediate access to other media content until someone in your "circle" or a friend shares it. When you add content to the Smartrebrander library, you are giving members access to your content for sharing. At the same time you have access to content added by other members. Perhaps you are in need of an animal, food or nature photo that you need to increase social media page engagement. Perhaps you are tired of passing off the same, stale photos or videos and would like to tap into a library to get something new and fresh. And you want to be able to share to ANY social platform without having to copy and paste links. Would you like that?

Smartrebrander Membership Options

Smartrebrander has a membership structure that enables both free and paid members levels of benefits depending upon use. You can join as a free member and have up to five "rebrands", earning from affiliate commissions and access to online business training. That may be enough to just try out the service or if you have a low or no budget business, but are patient enough to build your business the slow and methodical way.

To make the most of Smartrebrander, eventually you will need to upgrade to "Premium" member. Premium Members can have unlimited "rebrands" access to all library contents and can add new content to the library. There is a trial $5 one month fee to try out the Premium membership. If you find that it works for you, the monthly subscription is $37 per month. When you compare that to social media advertising costs along with other membership benefits (see inside!), you may consider that a deal! (My Facebook ad costs are in the thousands over the past three years!)

Want To Join? Have More Questions?

This link goes to the main home page

This goes to the view of the library

Here are the most popular library items

Here is the range of categories in the library

About My Train Video

Before I joined Smartrebrander (FKA "Loyaltepays"), my train video (July 2012 upload date) had about 300 views (early April 2013) without me doing anything special to promote it. Then I added my train video to the library. As you can see it's now up over 500 views (October 28th, 2013). Not only do I have a way to promote the video to the Smartrebrander community, I can "rebrand" it and place it in my blog, website or other place that accepts either a URL or Iframe code. The green "ShareThis" button at the bottom of the frame lets anyone who visits share the video to any social media platform listed at ShareThis!

Would you like that? Does that solve any problems for you? I have shared both video and photo content easily on Google+ and Facebook using the same coded link. If you put in the still photo right, the image comes up, an important part getting likes to your photo or video share. It's amazing! I think the concept is brilliant, but needed more work to get the costs and services reasonable for level of use. But that's done as of October.

Won't you give Smartrebrander a try today and see if it works for you and your media content?

Join today!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

View My Videos

I posted about my zoo train video already. It was my first YouTube upload.

My second video is a recording of the last part of a presentation of an exhibit at the House on the Rock, a Wisconsin attraction located near Spring Green. It was the only video that turned out. The others I recorded did not have enough lighting to record a video with my digital camera. This one was against a window with daylight with enough lighting for a decent if not perfect video. Another difficulty is recording without background chatter. You have to find a time when there's no one in the room and everyone agrees to be quiet. I'm not spending all way waiting for the right time, so I get what I can and move on.

What I did capture was OK. It plays back well and is good enough to promote the attraction. This musical exhibit is one of the most intriguing parts of House on the Rock, creations like this that must require special skills for maintenance. In the days before video and television entertainment, people created exhibits like this for public entertainment. It may look like a lazy man's vision of a home orchestra or an extension of the player piano concept. I imagine the special maintenance requirements probably limited range of potential owners.

The general impression of House on the Rock is part museum, part P T Barnum experience. Keep in mind that Baraboo, Wisconsin, home to Circus World is just to the north and east. You do get several museum tour options and there are various paths to take, but it's really more of a presentation than a museum that displays items in categorized rooms and floors. There's a certain "cheezy" aspect to it all and you can even smell cheese wafting from the food court located in the Millhouse area. But it's also entertaining at the same time. Where else do you get to see a ship's engine and propeller close up? Or amazing ship models? Or a huge collection of dolls that you can't resist talking about with your museum tour mates? It's a Disneyland trip of the imagination that's both fun and illustrates why collection-based hobbies need to be managed.

I have photo album collections on Facebook, accessible to Milwaukee Time Lords Facebook fan page members here. Go check out the amazing views and read the challenges of taking indoor photos here. If you do go, perhaps you can take better photos and get the really challenging subjects (metal and ceramic tea cups behind glass with red lighting).

New Comment Setting

I have configured this blog to not permit anonymous comments.

You must have a Google account to post a comment.

This blog is tied to using Google Accounts (Google+, YouTube, etc.) with intended links to my circles.

I have deleted hundreds of "Anonymous" comments from spam filter and Yahoo email notification (still working on that now).

Please use a real method to promote your business, such as getting a blog of your own.

You can come to my website if you need ideas that won't cost you anything.

See that pink flower to the right? Click it to find promotion ideas.

The right bar has been configured with my favorite sites, a Google+ button, a list of recent blog articles, my two YouTube videos, a blog archive (mostly outdated posts that are archives only) and my Google+ profile.

These are the tools you can use to build your online business. You have to complete the details if you want any success.

My Blogger Updated

I found the link page to tie my Blogger to my Google+ accounts. It started with a return to my Yahoo email account to recover my ClixSense account. Then I found lots of notifications of spam to my Blogger. I am trying to delete all spam comments. And then I need to find and delete all spam notifications to my Yahoo account.

Entering comments just to score Blogger points is very annoying and in the end does not work because perhaps just one comment of the dozens sent made it to the blog comments. The best thing to do is create your own blog around your interests and attract an audience first. The sales comes much later, perhaps months down the road. For time being this is a huge nuisance requiring regular account maintenance. 

If you are looking for effective advertising strategies and resources, go to my website, which is connected to this blog. There are lots of ideas for you to try. Build a social media page. Try safelists, traffic exchanges, putting your logo on a jacket and mobile marketing. 

Here's my website index page: 

Get a website with your own URL. They aren't expensive. Build it up and make it friendly with search engines. I saw in a video that Wikipedia is an example to follow where they are doing SEO right. 

Best of wishes on building your online business empire.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Learning Space with CosmoQuest - 27 March, 2013

This is the 6th episode of new educational outreach video series that was launched January 23, 2013 as part of the mission of to provide resources and guides to educators or anyone with an interest in astronomy.

You can start by viewing the first episode on YouTube (subscribe to astrospherevids to access their productions). I am viewing this episode now and used the Blogger button to post this. The topic for this video is meteorites and presented by Jeff & Terry Menz of the River Bend Astronomy Club. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Milwaukee County Zoo Train 2010

This is my first video filmed, produced and uploaded to YouTube all from original video and still source. It was filmed August 2010. I uploaded it much later. When I came back to look at the stats months after upload, I found 333 views and one like.

Here I share this video with the help of this new website.

Milwaukee County Zoo Train 2010

After publishing a link to my video, it was approved for sharing and rebranding. Only premium members can add new content. Everyone else can share existing content provided for access in a library. I'm looking forward to seeing the view count increase. Not sure if it will get more likes, but we'll see. I'm sure that a better video maker would get more likes if only it had more views.

Sounds cool to you?

You probably share things already as a regular social media habit. Find out how it can work for you whether you run a business or want to help support a business, your favorite artist or celebrity.

Sharing has rewards. Find out how it works by viewing the video first.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Speedyblogger Is Back! Much Cleanup Had to Be Done!

I have returned to this blog after several years of no activity. I came back to find over 53 spam comments on one now expired product offer post. I have deleted them all. These do nothing to support my website and may be bad for it so no "spammy" posts please! All further such comments will be zapped furiously with my sonic screwdriver.

Main topic is Concinnity which I will be attending tomorrow (Saturday, April 13th) all day which is located at MSOE. It looks to be an awesome event. So much to do in one day.

My club, the Milwaukee Time Lords will be running a panel at 1:00 PM. It will start with a brief introduction to the club. Then we will run our version of "Win, Lose or Draw" for Doctor Who and other science fiction fans. We play mainly for fun.

The event has a mention in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. It's got a Facebook page and a webpage. Last year, I (Milwaukee Time Lords webpage and Facebook page admin) carried much of the Concinnity publicity. It was much appreciated. It does take a lot of energy and effort to bang together web promotions when you've probably got other things to do (especially if a college student). Also our club carried much of the event also with a Q&A and video presentations. This year, we just have the one panel commitment. Others will provide lots of entertainment tomorrow.

Hope to see you there. Follow along on Facebook. Don't know if Concinnity has Twitter followers, but post with #Concinnity if you want to show support but can't be there. Support local conventions!

Milwaukee Time Lords Facebook Page
Concinnity Website