Monday, October 28, 2013

Here's A New Social Media Platform You Might Like!

Currently No Longer Active Member. Site appears to no longer exist. It was a good concept but major changes midway and a complicated system made it hard to work with. Key concepts to take away are to establish trusted branding and focus on sharing content first. Let the message speak for itself. Sales happens when people see value in something.

No Luck Promoting Your Media Content?

Do you have YouTube video that you want to promote, but prefer something other than the YouTube interface? There's a newly remodeled social media platform that's suited for the purpose of social media content sharing. Members are encouraged to share in ways not available in other social platforms. Can your social platform easily share to other platforms? How easy is it too add comments and relevant links to other content you want to share? In some cases, especially if you are new, you'll have to buy advertising to get views.

Introducing "Rebranding"

One important key business strategy is called "rebranding". That is effectively taking content and putting into the context of something you are trying to promote. Effectively, "rebranding" is putting a frame around your creative work or someone else's creative work that they have already shared via social media. (How many of you used a Grumpy Cat photo to get likes and shares on your fan page?)

Introducing "Smartrebrander"

There is a social media platform that you should consider joining if you seriously want a chance to grow your YouTube account and have not found any success with other methods. This social media platform is called "Smartrebrander". It's a community that supports sharing of social media content with links for the purpose of building fan pages, blogs, media content pages and business front-ends. As you may already know, the first step of marketing is to share something, NOT sell something. You want to build a relationship with your potential customers and subscribers first. With social media you use shares of videos, photos and publications to establish who you are as a business owner and what types of customers you want to attract. You want your members to like you first. Build a "niche" of followers, then you can present them with your recommended products and services.

Why Join Smartrebrander?

One of the hardest things to get are shares, especially if you produce a video with common keywords, like my train video. Don't you agree? There are lots of train videos on YouTube (do a search). Smartrebrander lets you take something you've created and puts it in front of members who would LOVE to share your video. All you have to do is fill out a form that includes a blog form to add your video links to the Smartrebrander share library that members have access to. (You can't put links in a YouTube "About" caption, but you can with Smartrebrander. The best I could do was put the name of this blog under the headline of this article inside the YouTube About box.)

How Is This Same And Different From Other Social Media Platforms?

Other social media platforms do the same thing. You probably just shared someone else's creative content today. However, you don't have immediate access to other media content until someone in your "circle" or a friend shares it. When you add content to the Smartrebrander library, you are giving members access to your content for sharing. At the same time you have access to content added by other members. Perhaps you are in need of an animal, food or nature photo that you need to increase social media page engagement. Perhaps you are tired of passing off the same, stale photos or videos and would like to tap into a library to get something new and fresh. And you want to be able to share to ANY social platform without having to copy and paste links. Would you like that?

Smartrebrander Membership Options

Smartrebrander has a membership structure that enables both free and paid members levels of benefits depending upon use. You can join as a free member and have up to five "rebrands", earning from affiliate commissions and access to online business training. That may be enough to just try out the service or if you have a low or no budget business, but are patient enough to build your business the slow and methodical way.

To make the most of Smartrebrander, eventually you will need to upgrade to "Premium" member. Premium Members can have unlimited "rebrands" access to all library contents and can add new content to the library. There is a trial $5 one month fee to try out the Premium membership. If you find that it works for you, the monthly subscription is $37 per month. When you compare that to social media advertising costs along with other membership benefits (see inside!), you may consider that a deal! (My Facebook ad costs are in the thousands over the past three years!)

Want To Join? Have More Questions?

This link goes to the main home page

This goes to the view of the library

Here are the most popular library items

Here is the range of categories in the library

About My Train Video

Before I joined Smartrebrander (FKA "Loyaltepays"), my train video (July 2012 upload date) had about 300 views (early April 2013) without me doing anything special to promote it. Then I added my train video to the library. As you can see it's now up over 500 views (October 28th, 2013). Not only do I have a way to promote the video to the Smartrebrander community, I can "rebrand" it and place it in my blog, website or other place that accepts either a URL or Iframe code. The green "ShareThis" button at the bottom of the frame lets anyone who visits share the video to any social media platform listed at ShareThis!

Would you like that? Does that solve any problems for you? I have shared both video and photo content easily on Google+ and Facebook using the same coded link. If you put in the still photo right, the image comes up, an important part getting likes to your photo or video share. It's amazing! I think the concept is brilliant, but needed more work to get the costs and services reasonable for level of use. But that's done as of October.

Won't you give Smartrebrander a try today and see if it works for you and your media content?

Join today!