Monday, September 17, 2007

Porcelain Small Cat Clock

Porcelain Small Cat Clock

$ 56.35
Size: approx. 7.2 inches x 4.4 inches Metric: 18 x 11 cm Nature: cobalt painted porcelain Finish: glazed (glossy) Availability: ships within 7-15 business days Origin: Russian Federation PRODUCT DETAILS: As all Gzhel works this charming porcelain clock was first created in a plaster form being cast from liquid porcelain mass. After the first burning the form was painted by cobalt. The background was kept white. Then the painting was covered by glaze. Glaze fused and made the surface of the work glassy, giving cobalt its blue colour. This is a top quality Russian Gzhel porcelain work that would make a fancy gift to anyone.

 cat clock

Monday, September 3, 2007

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Technorati Sign Up

Technorati Profile

Speedyhunter Blog Launched!

If you like simplicity in web design and prefer not being distracted by "clutter", this blog is for you. Tired of too many pop-ups, automated audio/video downloads and "banner" sites? Here, web design for function and minimal use of images is emphasized.

SpeedyHunter is a new web search site that helps you find what you are looking for faster and with fewer mouse clicks. For commonly searched terms, you have a field of fixed keywords to choose and click without having to type anything. With the rise of small devices with Internet access, it is a helpful service to provide simple text lists so that fewer steps are required to access desired products and services on the web. is an excellent example of this concept put into practice. When placing orders for food at a restaurant within your area, wouldn't it be great to just point and click to activate the phone number. Excessive images, automated pop-ups and scripts impede the process of website downloading and browsing and simply add to precious bandwidth.

Please take a moment to browse through SpeedyHunter. The main page features three types of links: Other Sites, Catalogs and Direct Links. Other sites is other similarly-themed websites that list companies as a simple directory reference. Catalogs are lists of products in a simple text-based list of products and links, mostly in product name order. One can use a browser search function to find specific items in the larger lists. Full details and a means to purchase the product appear upon clicking the link next to the product. The direct links are straight to the product being offered.

If you find this web design idea useful, please save to your desktop or your favorites folder. The next time you need to find a gift fast or seek resources to help you manage your business, let Speedyhunter help you find it fast without annoying distractions.

--Putting my professional computer skills to work for you.