Friday, April 12, 2013

Speedyblogger Is Back! Much Cleanup Had to Be Done!

I have returned to this blog after several years of no activity. I came back to find over 53 spam comments on one now expired product offer post. I have deleted them all. These do nothing to support my website and may be bad for it so no "spammy" posts please! All further such comments will be zapped furiously with my sonic screwdriver.

Main topic is Concinnity which I will be attending tomorrow (Saturday, April 13th) all day which is located at MSOE. It looks to be an awesome event. So much to do in one day.

My club, the Milwaukee Time Lords will be running a panel at 1:00 PM. It will start with a brief introduction to the club. Then we will run our version of "Win, Lose or Draw" for Doctor Who and other science fiction fans. We play mainly for fun.

The event has a mention in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. It's got a Facebook page and a webpage. Last year, I (Milwaukee Time Lords webpage and Facebook page admin) carried much of the Concinnity publicity. It was much appreciated. It does take a lot of energy and effort to bang together web promotions when you've probably got other things to do (especially if a college student). Also our club carried much of the event also with a Q&A and video presentations. This year, we just have the one panel commitment. Others will provide lots of entertainment tomorrow.

Hope to see you there. Follow along on Facebook. Don't know if Concinnity has Twitter followers, but post with #Concinnity if you want to show support but can't be there. Support local conventions!

Milwaukee Time Lords Facebook Page
Concinnity Website